In this step-by-step polymer clay tutorial, I tried to create a complex design, using simple geometric forms from LC Disks 1 and 14 and LC Czextruder. This is one thing that I particularly love about working with Czextruder and LC Disks – one may create really complex designs using simple parts.
About the author
Hana Slabá lives in South Moravia and the joy of handwork has accompanied her since her school years. She discovered polymer clay in about 2014 and working with it brings her relaxation. She would like to keep creating and exploring the possibilities and various uses of the medium with lots of support from her family. Visit her website:
Materials and tools
Polymer Clay of 3 colors (white, pink, blue)
LC Disk 1 (extension Half-circle and Quarter-circle)
LC Disk 14 (extension Boomerang – see the photo)
Step 1.
First of all, condition the clay using LC Machine (or any other way you prefer), extrude white clay through all the extensions from the Disk 1 and LC Disk 14 (see the photo), extrude blue and pink clay through “Quarter-circle” and “Boomerang” extensions. Cut the extrusions approximately 5 cm (2”) long.
Step 2.
Cane 1: place two blue/pink “Quarter-circle” around one white “Half-circle” extrusion. Put 2 designs together, so that colored parts touch in the center.
Step 3.
Cane 2: put one pink “Quarter-circle” inside a white “Boomerang” extrusion, repeat. Do the same with blue “Quarter-circle” and a white “Boomerang” extrusion. Connect all 4 parts, so that white “Boomerangs” point to the center (as in photo).
Step 4.
Cane 3: place white “Quarter-circle” inside a pink “Boomerang” extrusion, repeat. Place white “Quarter-circle” inside a blue “Boomerang” extrusion, repeat. You have to put together all 4 parts so that the same colors do not touch (as in photo).
Step 5.
Now we are going to make a more complex design, using 3 types of canes we made. Half the canes we made and arrange as described:
First row: cane 3, cane 2, cane 3, cane 2, cane 3
Second row: cane2, cane1, cane2, cane1, cane 2
The third row is the same as the first one.
Step 6.
Gently squeeze to make all parts stick together well.
Step 7.
Finally, slice the design using an LC Slicer – it makes even and thin slices.
Step 8.
You can use the design for decorating pendants, earrings – anything you prefer. I made 2 different sets, hope you like it!
Good luck with Czextruding!
Download PDF tutorial for free: czextruder-complex-cane-hana-slaba
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